Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh, Balls!

I awoke this morning to my mom shouting “HELLOOO!!” through my bedroom window.

“Oh my God, MOM! I’m sleeping! Why are you so crazy?”

“I was born into a family with mental problems…” she utters

“Clearly so was I,” I shout back, “and thanks for the honest answer, but this is way to deep for 7 in the morning.”

For some reason Mary takes this as an invitation to hang out in my room and read the paper.

Unprovoked, she proceeds to read me an article about how her friend’s house caught on fire and San Ramon PD and FD saved her cats Balls and Pumpkin by putting oxygen masks on them and rushing them to ER.

Its like perpetually 1950 in San Ramon.

Oh, and BALLS. Seriously.

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