Sunday, October 5, 2008

Big Dick Smith

My dad's co-workers seriously call him "Big Dick Smith." They also think he looks like Geppetto.

This couldn't be more accurate, and I'd make some joke about my sister having a big nose back in the day but getting a nose job, so that'd make her Pinocchio, but if she ever found out that I told people she had a nose job, she'd be pissed. So I won't. Call her Pinocchio.

I'd like to take Dick Smith to the next level so I've come up with some versatile ways to use Dick. To sew Dick's wild oats, to spread Dick's seed. Dick is going to be bigger than "hella."

"I tried that product and it didn't do Dick Smith for me!"

"Quit Dick Smith'n around!"

"Don't be a Dick, Smith."

"I totally just got Dick Smith'd over."

1 comment:

tspot said...

Ok I would like to suggest the following to help you in your quest
1- Hey dont make me get all Dick Smith on you.
2- Are you always such a Dick Smith?
and finally
3- UtOh I think someone just dick smithd himself again....
really no need for me to say anything else.