Thursday, August 28, 2008

First few Hours....

I spent about 3 hours total with Mary and Dick yesterday:
The following is a tally of what I was told in those few, but fine hours

# of times I was told that Northern Cal is in a water ration so I need to take quick showers: 3

# of times my mom said “well I just don’t know what you’re going to eat,” in regards to my being a vegan: 3

# of conversations about the dog and the squirrel: 2

# of times my mom told me to “don’t walk around like a rag bag.”: 1

# of times I’ve been told to stop swearing: 8

# of times I’ve sworn: 67

# of times my dad has said "its great to have you back.": 4, which I take to mean, "you’re not in rehab, and you’re a way better daughter." Finally, the recognition I deserve.


Yvonne said...

Smith, so you were warned 8 times and swore 67 times. That's like 1:8.375. Not bad! I'd like to see either the number of warnings go up or the number of your swearing ratio goes down. Yvonne :-) (P.S. DM is my nickname)

Anonymous said...

DUDE YOU FUCKING ROCK THE WORLD! please look for my upcoming blog,

Anonymous said...

So does McCain look better to you now that he'll have a VP Vag next to him?