Friday, October 3, 2008

I shouldn'ta left you, without a dope beat to step to

Things I've been told in the past week:

1) Kelly Deez told me I need to single handedly bring back the skirt overall. Which I am considering. But based on the above picture, the hipsters are already after it.

2) Genius Stacy suggested that my mom call Tappy 2, "Mr. Tapps." I mistakenly made the suggestion, so now Mary's saying "Mr Tapps!" and pointing at Shadow left and right. Thanks Stace. But I will say, Mr. Tapps is clearly the name of a tap dancing dog that would absolutely wear a top hat.

3) Yesterday morning my mom said she needed to take Tappy to get his nails trimmed, and then did a tap dancing gesture with her hands for 20 seconds too long.

4) Yesterday evening she told me that "Tappy got his nails trimmed" accompanied by the hand tap dancing gesture, but for less unnecessary seconds this time.

5) Mary said that she sometimes takes her blind friend's extra dog harness and puts it on Shadow so she can take him into stores with her. Once she got confronted by a woman who said "He seems too old to be a service dog." Mary said, "Well, they're training old dogs now." She missed her mark though, by not saying "You CAN teach old dogs new tricks..." However, she redeemed herself when she told me she puts shoe polish on Shadow's face to make him look younger. Who has shoe polish?

6) I asked my bro what she's up to and she told me this: "i was actually just getting kinda annoyed with you for not posting now that your girl's on the scene.."

7) Love is distracting. (GAY)


iris said...

What girl? It's been too long. Call soon!

Unknown said...

shoe polish?! i'm calling PETA