Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fantastic Four


1) I think we can all agree, the real star in this photo is Dick. And his disguise. His glasses and moustache disguise.

2) It seems as though my sister was in a Mexican gang...which would explain a lot, or.......nothing.

3) Yes, I'm wearing overalls. Skirt overalls, and I'm having the time of my life, obviously.

4) My parents have this photo framed and hanging up on the wall in their bedroom, I don't know how they sleep.

5) None of us look alike, AT ALL. Total misfits


Unknown said...

i think Dick is in the witness protection program...

Unknown said...

This thoroughly made my day. I want to join the Smith family. How more white could you be? The Smith Family. I hate America. Funny Stacy said Dick is in the witness protection program...because he is. Before his life as Dick Smith, he was Dick Diggler and was my whore of a gambling, goomba mobster husband when we were living out in Vegas. And my name was Candy. Candy Cane. Those were the days....