Thursday, July 9, 2009

Don't Jew Know I'm Not the One Jew're Looking For?

I got a new phone number a while ago and it's pretty clear that whoever had this number before me was not only in debt, but was also a pretty serious Jew. I know debt and Jew don't go in the same sentence, but I'm just reporting the facts.

I'm constantly getting texts wishing me a happy shabbos and other holidays that I can't pronouce or have any idea what they're for.

I got the text below today:

from, Supportive Jew: have a quick and easy fast. Legen...dary.

I usually ignore these but after THAT signature? How could I?

my response: fastings for suckas. I'm eatin' my way through this thing. plus a crap load of margs.

Haven't heard anything back. :(

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