Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sexual Man-rassment

My new game is to sexually harass men on the street. It's strangely satisfying and you should try it. There are a few rules I suggest you follow to squeeze (asses) the most joy out of this practice.

1) The dude has to be with at least one other dude, groups of dudes are the best

2) Its best to harass when you are with at least one other person.

3) The dude must be good-looking, we're not trying to hurt any one's feelings or be rude, blah blah blah. We're simply trying to shock some probably overly egotistical dudes into even more reason to be egotistical/confused.

Here are my findings so far:

Dudes LOVE this. Almost every time, they get extremely confused and embarrassed. My friend is convinced it makes them feel good about themselves in the end, so its actually good-spirited.

I have harassed 2 times on the street, the following are my accounts:

1) My first time. I was a little nervous as I saw a group of guys waiting for the light across the street. I told my co-worker that this was it. They came walking towards me, the baby-faced ginger kid was talking and I singled him out. As he walked by me, I got in his ear and said "Hey Good-lookin!" He stopped talking and him and his friends were confused. I, of course, laughed my ass off and didn't really see the rest of his reaction.

2) A group of about 5 guys in suits, carrying hard hats! came walking towards me. They were asking for it. As their sexy asses came plowin' towards me, I singled out one stud muffin and as he walked past me, I turned and said "nice ass!" He looked at me, confused and I said "Yeah, sweetheart, I'm talkin' to you." Him and his co-workers did not know what to do or say, they just kept looking back at me and my co-workers laughing our asses off.

In conclusion, this will be one of the most rewarding acts you do today. You will be rewarded and the dude will definitely be rewarded. I clearly had more success with the "Nice ass!" comment, so I suggest that or something like it.

Happy hunting!

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