Monday, July 6, 2009

I forgot to tell you about this

I received the below email and youtube link from a co-worker a few months back, I'm not sure why I didn't share it before now. I'm trying not to ruin the punchline, but, let's just say, he compares me to a retarded woman. Who likes Star Trek.

From: Asshole Co-worker
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 11:33 AM
To: Smith, Karen
Subject: I don't know if this is real or not

I can’t tell if this is a great set up or I’m going to hell for laughing. But anyway she reminds me of you.

Here's a lil taste:

PSiloveyou: He's also the same guy who told my other co-worker that she looked like a Russian prostitute when she had a black eye from snowboarding face first.

1 comment:

Mike Adams said...

Can we get her to go on after Conan?